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Intrested in doing you're own ducks?
We got our ducks at http://www.ustoy.com at 144 ducks a bunch for about 8 bucks. Then we Pinkafy them. You can make your own that way too. Or send us the ducks to create and send off to you. help any way you wanna.

Everyone is an artist.
All to often the art world sees it self as set apart from the rest of the world. This shouldn't be. Art is for everyone, not just those who have been specially trained for it.

Every person can feel art, everyone human on earth can create art. Everyone is an artist. No matter what you do, as long as you're passionate about it, it is art. Art shouldn't only be found inside a gallery or museum but it should be experience anytime, expected or unexpected.

Operation:Queer Quack is a visibility project to show that gay people are everywhere. But it's more then that. It a project that just ask for people to get involved. The moment a person sees a duck or moves a duck or takes a picture of a duck they prove that everyone is an artist, any one can help move the human experience even a tiny bit. No art is insignificant. No artist is insignificant, and since everyone is an artist, all humans are important and needed in moving humanity forward.

one of the missions of Operation Queer Quack is to allow ordinary people become part of a massive art project.
Just by seeing a duck you become part of it. If you choose to take a duck you take that participation another step further.

Op. Queer Quack is a visibility project to show that gay people are everywhere. But it's more then that. It a project that just ask for people to get involved. The moment a person sees a duck or moves a duck or takes a picture of a duck they prove that everyone is an artist, any one can help move the human experience even a tiny bit. No art is insignificant.

No artist is insignificant, and since everyone is an artist, all humans are important and needed in moving humanity forward.